Pattern: Line is too long
Issue: -
Your source code should not contain very long lines. The default wrapping in most tools disrupts the visual structure of the code, making it more difficult to understand. Use the \
character at the end of a line to tell the Python interpreter that the statement continues on the next line. Here is an example of how to break up a long boolean expression into three lines.
if ( ((blah < 0 ) and (grr > 234)) \
or ((foo == 3456) and (grr <= 4444)) \
or ((blah > 10) and (grr == 3333)) \
print "this crazy condition is true"
print "and my code is really easy to read because"
print "I didn't wrap lines!"
print "this crazy condition is false"
By default this value is set to 159, although PEP 8 recommends a more strict range of 79 - 99 characters per line. In any case, you can set max-line-length
in Pylint configuration file depending on your needs.