Pattern: Unexpected block arity
Issue: -
This rule checks for a block that is known to need more positional
block arguments than are given (by default this is configured for
methods needing 2 arguments). Optional arguments are allowed,
although they don't generally make sense as the default value will
be used. Blocks that have no receiver, or take splatted arguments
(ie. *args
) are always accepted.
Keyword arguments (including **kwargs
) do not get counted towards
this, as they are not used by the methods in question.
NOTE: This rule matches for method names only and hence cannot tell apart methods with same name in different classes.
Method names and their expected arity can be configured like this:
Methods: inject: 2 reduce: 2
# bad
values.reduce {}
values.min { |a| a }
values.sort { |a; b| a + b }
# good
values.reduce { |memo, obj| memo << obj }
values.min { |a, b| a <=> b }
values.sort { |*x| x[0] <=> x[1] }
Name | Default value | Configurable values |
Methods | {"chunk_while"=>2, "each_with_index"=>2, "each_with_object"=>2, "inject"=>2, "max"=>2, "min"=>2, "minmax"=>2, "reduce"=>2, "slice_when"=>2, "sort"=>2} |