Pattern: Malformed custom RSpec dialect
Issue: -
Enforces custom RSpec dialects.
A dialect can be based on the following RSpec methods:
- describe, context, feature, example_group
- xdescribe, xcontext, xfeature
- fdescribe, fcontext, ffeature
- shared_examples, shared_examples_for, shared_context
- it, specify, example, scenario, its
- fit, fspecify, fexample, fscenario, focus
- xit, xspecify, xexample, xscenario, skip
- pending
- prepend_before, before, append_before,
- around
- prepend_after, after, append_after
- let, let!
- subject, subject!
- expect, is_expected, expect_any_instance_of
By default all of the RSpec methods and aliases are allowed. By setting a config like:
RSpec/Dialect: PreferredMethods: context: describe
You can expect the following behavior:
# bad
context 'display name presence' do
# ...
# good
describe 'display name presence' do
# ...
Name | Default value | Configurable values |
PreferredMethods | {} |