Pattern: Invalid shellcheck
directive for case
Issue: -
You appear to have put a directive before a branch in a case statement.
ShellCheck directives cannot be scoped to individual branches of case
statements, only to the entire case
, or to individual commands within it. Please move the directive as appropriate.
(It is possible to apply directives to all commands within a { ..: }
command group, if you truly wish to apply a directive to multiple commands but not the full case
Example of incorrect code:
case $? in
0) echo "Success" ;;
# shellcheck disable=2154
*) echo "$cmd $flag returned failure" ;;
Example of correct code:
# Applies to everything in the `case` statement
# shellcheck disable=2154
case $? in
0) echo "Success" ;;
*) echo "$cmd $flag returned failure" ;;
case $? in
0) echo "Success" ;;
# Applies to a single command within the `case`
# shellcheck disable=2154
echo "$cmd $flag returned failure"