Pattern: Use of variable in printf
Issue: -
interprets escape sequences and format specifiers in the format string. If variables are included, any escape sequences or format specifiers in the data will be interpreted too, when you most likely wanted to treat it as data. Example:
printf "Unit test coverage: %s\n" "$coverage"
printf "Unit test coverage: $coverage\n"
The first printf writes Unit test coverage: 96%
The second writes bash: printf: \': invalid format character
Example of incorrect code:
printf "Hello, $NAME\n"
Example of correct code:
printf "Hello, %s\n" "$NAME"
Sometimes you may actually want to interpret data as a format string, like in:
hexToAscii() { printf "\x$1"; }
hexToAscii 21
or when you have a pattern in a variable:
printf -v filename "$filepattern" "$number"
These are valid use cases with no useful rewrites. Please ignore the warnings with a directive.