Pattern: Use of unquoted end token of here-document
Issue: -
When the end token of a here-document is unquoted, parameter expansion and command substitution will happen on contents of the here-doc.
This means that before sending the commands to the server, the client replaces $HOSTNAME
with localhost, thereby sending echo "Logged in on localhost"
to the server. This has the effect of printing the client's hostname instead of the server's.
Scripts with any kind of variable use are especially problematic because all references will be expanded before the script run. For example,
ssh host << EOF
x="$(uname -a)"
echo "$x"
will never print anything, neither client nor server details, since before evaluation, it will be expanded to:
x="Linux localhost ... x86_64 GNU/Linux"
echo ""
By quoting the here-token, local expansion will not take place, so the server sees echo "Logged in on $HOSTNAME"
which is expanded and printed with the server's hostname, which is usually the intention.
Example of incorrect code:
ssh << EOF
echo "Logged in on $HOSTNAME"
Example of correct code:
ssh << "EOF"
echo "Logged in on $HOSTNAME"
If the client should expand some or all variables, this message can and should be ignored.
To expand a mix of local and remote variables, the here-doc end token should be unquoted, and the remote variables should be escaped, e.g.
ssh << EOF
echo "Logged in on \$HOSTNAME from $HOSTNAME"