Pattern: Invalid value comparison in shell script
Issue: -
ShellCheck has determined that the two values you're comparing can never be equal.
Most of the time, this happens because of a syntax issue that introduced unintended literal characters into one of the arguments.
Example of incorrect code:
[ $var+1 == 5 ] # Unevaluated math
[ "{$var}" == "value" ] # Swapped around $ and {
[ "$(cmd1) | cmd2" == "42" ] # Ended with ) too soon
[[ "$var " == *.png ]] # Trailing space
The left-hand side in the problematic examples will always contain (respectively) curly braces, pipe and trailing space. The right-hand sides are literal values and a pattern without trailing spaces, so they will never be equal. The statement is therefore useless, strongly indicating a bug.
Example of correct code:
[ $((var+1)) == 5 ] # Evaluated math
[ "${var}" == "value" ] # Correct variable expansion
[ "$(cmd1 | cmd2)" == "42" ] # Correct command substitution
[[ "$var" == *.png ]] # No trailing space