Pattern: Call ToImmutableCollection
on an ImmutableCollection
Issue: -
These extension methods are designed to convert a mutable collection to an immutable collection. However, the caller might accidentally pass in an immutable collection as input to these methods. This can represent a performance and/or a functional issue.
- Performance issue: Unnecessary boxing, unboxing, and/or runtime type checks on an immutable collection.
- Potential functional issue: Caller assumed to be operating on a mutable collection, when it actually had an immutable collection.
Example of incorrect code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
public class C
public void M(IEnumerable<int> collection, ImmutableArray<int> immutableArray)
// This is fine.
// This leads to CA2009.
private void M2(ImmutableArray<int> immutableArray)
Example of correct code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
public class C
public void M(IEnumerable<int> collection, ImmutableArray<int> immutableArray)
// This is fine.
// This is now fine.
private void M2(ImmutableArray<int> immutableArray)