Pattern: Wrong computed accessors order
Issue: -
Getter and setters in computed properties and subscripts should be in a consistent order.
Examples of correct code:
class Foo {
var foo: Int {
get { return 3 }
set { _abc = newValue }
class Foo {
var foo: Int {
return 20
class Foo {
static var foo: Int {
return 20
class Foo {
static var foo: Int {
get { return 3 }
set { _abc = newValue }
class Foo {
var foo: Int
class Foo {
var foo: Int {
return getValueFromDisk()
class Foo {
var foo: String {
return "get"
protocol Foo {
var foo: Int { get }
protocol Foo {
var foo: Int { get set }
protocol Foo {
var foo: Int { set get }
class Foo {
var foo: Int {
struct Bar {
var bar: Int {
get { return 1 }
set { _ = newValue }
return Bar().bar
var _objCTaggedPointerBits: UInt {
@inline(__always) get { return 0 }
set { print(newValue) }
var next: Int? {
mutating get {
defer { self.count += 1 }
return self.count
set {
self.count = newValue
extension Foo {
var bar: Bool {
get { _bar }
set { self._bar = newValue }
extension Foo {
var bar: Bool {
get { _bar }
set(newValue) { self._bar = newValue }
extension Reactive where Base: UITapGestureRecognizer {
var tapped: CocoaAction<Base>? {
get {
return associatedAction.withValue { $0.flatMap { $0.action } }
nonmutating set {
extension Test {
var foo: Bool {
get {
bar?.boolValue ?? true // Comment mentioning word set which triggers violation
set {
bar = NSNumber(value: newValue as Bool)
class Foo {
subscript(i: Int) -> Int {
return 20
class Foo {
subscript(i: Int) -> Int {
get { return 3 }
set { _abc = newValue }
protocol Foo {
subscript(i: Int) -> Int { get }
protocol Foo {
subscript(i: Int) -> Int { get set }
protocol Foo {
subscript(i: Int) -> Int { set get }
Examples of incorrect code:
class Foo {
var foo: Int {
↓set {
get {
return 20
class Foo {
static var foo: Int {
↓set {
get {
return 20
var foo: Int {
↓set { print(newValue) }
get { return 20 }
extension Foo {
var bar: Bool {
↓set { print(bar) }
get { _bar }
class Foo {
var foo: Int {
↓set {
mutating get {
return 20
class Foo {
subscript(i: Int) -> Int {
↓set {
get {
return 20