Pattern: Malformed whitespace around let
Issue: -
and var
should be separated from other statements by a blank line.
Examples of correct code:
let a = 0
var x = 1
x = 2
a = 5
var x = 1
struct X {
var a = 0
let a = 1 +
let b = 5
var x: Int {
return 0
var x: Int {
let a = 0
return a
#if os(macOS)
let a = 0
@available(swift 4)
let a = 0
class C {
var s: String = ""
class C {
func a() {}
class C {
var x = 0
var y = 0
@available(OSX, introduced: 10.6)
@available(*, deprecated)
var x = 0
// swiftlint:disable superfluous_disable_command
// swiftlint:disable force_cast
let x = bar as! Bar
Examples of incorrect code:
var x = 1
↓x = 2
a = 5
↓var x = 1
struct X {
let a
↓func x() {}
var x = 0
↓@objc func f() {}
var x = 0
func f() {}
@objc func f() {
↓var x = 0