Pattern: Malformed whitespace around operator
Issue: -
Operators should be surrounded by a single whitespace when they are being used.
Examples of correct code:
let foo = 1 + 2
let foo = 1 > 2
let foo = !false
let foo: Int?
let foo: Array<String>
let foo: [String]
let foo = 1 +
let range = 1...3
let range = 1 ... 3
let range = 1..<3
#if swift(>=3.0)
let name = "image-1"
button.setImage(#imageLiteral(resourceName: "image-1"), for: .normal)
let doubleValue = -9e-11
Examples of incorrect code:
let foo = 1↓+2
let foo = 1↓ + 2
let foo = 1↓ + 2
let foo = 1↓ + 2
let foo↓=1↓+2
let foo↓=1 + 2
let foo↓=bar
let range = 1↓ ..< 3
let foo = bar↓ ?? 0
let foo = bar↓??0
let foo = bar↓ != 0
let foo = bar↓ !== bar2
let v8 = Int8(1)↓ << 6
let v8 = 1↓ << (6)
let v8 = 1↓ << (6)
let foo = 1 > 2