Pattern: Unmerged pattern matching bindings
Issue: -
Combine multiple pattern matching bindings by moving keywords out of tuples.
Examples of correct code:
switch foo {
default: break
switch foo {
case 1: break
switch foo {
case bar: break
switch foo {
case let (x, y): break
switch foo {
case .foo(let x): break
switch foo {
case let .foo(x, y): break
switch foo {
case .foo(let x), .bar(let x): break
switch foo {
case .foo(let x, var y): break
switch foo {
case var (x, y): break
switch foo {
case .foo(var x): break
switch foo {
case var .foo(x, y): break
Examples of incorrect code:
switch foo {
case (↓let x, ↓let y): break
switch foo {
case .foo(↓let x, ↓let y): break
switch foo {
case (.yamlParsing(↓let x), .yamlParsing(↓let y)): break
switch foo {
case (↓var x, ↓var y): break
switch foo {
case .foo(↓var x, ↓var y): break
switch foo {
case (.yamlParsing(↓var x), .yamlParsing(↓var y)): break