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95 lines (58 loc) · 1.94 KB

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95 lines (58 loc) · 1.94 KB

Pattern: Missing use of reduce(into:_:)

Issue: -


Prefer reduce(into:_:) over reduce(_:_:) for copy-on-write types.

Examples of correct code:

let foo = values.reduce(into: "abc") { $0 += "\($1)" }

values.reduce(into: Array<Int>()) { result, value in

let rows = violations.enumerated().reduce(into: "") { rows, indexAndViolation in
    rows.append(generateSingleRow(for: indexAndViolation.1, at: indexAndViolation.0 + 1))

zip(group, group.dropFirst()).reduce(into: []) { result, pair in
    result.append(pair.0 + pair.1)

let foo = values.reduce(into: [String: Int]()) { result, value in
    result["\(value)"] = value

let foo = values.reduce(into: Dictionary<String, Int>.init()) { result, value in
    result["\(value)"] = value

let foo = values.reduce(into: [Int](repeating: 0, count: 10)) { result, value in

let foo = values.reduce(MyClass()) { result, value in
    return result

Examples of incorrect code:

let bar = values.reduce("abc") { $0 + "\($1)" }

values.reduce(Array<Int>()) { result, value in
    result += [value]

let rows = violations.enumerated().reduce("") { rows, indexAndViolation in
    return rows + generateSingleRow(for: indexAndViolation.1, at: indexAndViolation.0 + 1)

zip(group, group.dropFirst()).reduce([]) { result, pair in
    result + [pair.0 + pair.1]

let foo = values.reduce([String: Int]()) { result, value in
    var result = result
    result["\(value)"] = value
    return result

let bar = values.reduce(Dictionary<String, Int>.init()) { result, value in
    var result = result
    result["\(value)"] = value
    return result

let bar = values.reduce([Int](repeating: 0, count: 10)) { result, value in
    return result + [value]

Further Reading