Pattern: Unused syntactic sugar
Issue: -
Shorthand syntactic sugar should be used, i.e. [Int] instead of Array<Int>
Examples of correct code:
let x: [Int]
let x: [Int: String]
let x: Int?
func x(a: [Int], b: Int) -> [Int: Any]
let x: Int!
extension Array {
func x() { }
extension Dictionary {
func x() { }
let x: CustomArray<String>
var currentIndex: Array<OnboardingPage>.Index?
func x(a: [Int], b: Int) -> Array<Int>.Index
unsafeBitCast(nonOptionalT, to: Optional<T>.self)
type is Optional<String>.Type
let x: Foo.Optional<String>
Examples of incorrect code:
let x: ↓Array<String>
let x: ↓Dictionary<Int, String>
let x: ↓Optional<Int>
let x: ↓ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<Int>
func x(a: ↓Array<Int>, b: Int) -> [Int: Any]
func x(a: [Int], b: Int) -> ↓Dictionary<Int, String>
func x(a: ↓Array<Int>, b: Int) -> ↓Dictionary<Int, String>
let x = ↓Array<String>.array(of: object)
let x: ↓Swift.Optional<String>