Pattern: Unused closure parameter
Issue: -
Unused parameter in a closure should be replaced with _
Examples of correct code:
[1, 2].map { $0 + 1 }
[1, 2].map({ $0 + 1 })
[1, 2].map { number in
number + 1
[1, 2].map { _ in
[1, 2].something { number, idx in
return number * idx
let isEmpty = [1, 2].isEmpty()
violations.sorted(by: { lhs, rhs in
return lhs.location > rhs.location
}) { rlmMigration in
return { migration, schemaVersion in
rlmMigration(migration.rlmMigration, schemaVersion)
genericsFunc { (a: Type, b) in
a + b
var label: UILabel = { (lbl: UILabel) -> UILabel in
lbl.backgroundColor = .red
return lbl
hoge(arg: num) { num in
return num
Examples of incorrect code:
[1, 2].map { ↓number in
return 3
[1, 2].map { ↓number in
return numberWithSuffix
[1, 2].map { ↓number in
return 3 // number
[1, 2].map { ↓number in
return 3 "number"
[1, 2].something { number, ↓idx in
return number
genericsFunc { (↓number: TypeA, idx: TypeB) in return idx
hoge(arg: num) { ↓num in
fooFunc { ↓아 in