Pattern: Function is too long
Issue: -
Avoid long functions. The line count of a function body must not exceed the value configured within this rule's options.
You can set up a general max function body length applied for every function/method/arrow function e.g. [true, 30]
or set different
maximum length for every type:
[true, {
"func-body-length": 10,
"func-expression-body-length": 10,
"arrow-body-length": 5,
"method-body-length": 15,
"ctor-body-length": 5
To specify a function name whose parameters you can ignore for this
rule, pass a regular expression as a string(this can be useful for Mocha
users to ignore the describe()
function). Since version 2.0.9, you can
also ignore single and multi-line comments from the total function
[true, {
"ignore-comments": true