Pattern: Malformed Javadoc paragraph
Issue: -
Checks that:
- There is one blank line between each of two paragraphs and one blank line before the at-clauses block if it is present.
- Each paragraph but the first has
immediately before the first word, with no space after.
Default configuration:
<module name="JavadocParagraph"/>
To allows to place text of a paragraph not immediately after a
<module name="JavadocParagraph">
<property name="allowNewlineParagraph" value="true"/>
In case of tagImmediatelyBeforeFirstWord set to false the following example will not have any violations:
* Some Javadoc.
* <p>
* Some Javadoc.
* <p> Some Javadoc.
* <p>
* <pre>
* Some preformatted Javadoc.
* </pre>