Pattern: Use of magic number
Issue: -
Checks that there are no "magic numbers" where a magic number is a numeric literal that is not defined as a constant. By default, -1, 0, 1, and 2 are not considered to be magic numbers.
It is fine to have one constant defining multiple numeric literals within one expression:
static final int SECONDS_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60;
static final double SPECIAL_RATIO = 4.0 / 3.0;
static final double SPECIAL_SUM = 1 + Math.E;
static final double SPECIAL_DIFFERENCE = 4 - Math.PI;
static final Border STANDARD_BORDER = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(3, 3, 3, 3);
static final Integer ANSWER_TO_THE_ULTIMATE_QUESTION_OF_LIFE = new Integer(42);
To configure the check with default configuration:
<module name="MagicNumber"/>
results is following violations:
@MyAnnotation(6) // violation
class MyClass {
private field = 7; // violation
void foo() {
int i = i + 1; // no violation
int j = j + 8; // violation
To configure the check so that it checks floating-point numbers that are not 0, 0.5, or 1:
<module name="MagicNumber">
<property name="tokens" value="NUM_DOUBLE, NUM_FLOAT"/>
<property name="ignoreNumbers" value="0, 0.5, 1"/>
<property name="ignoreFieldDeclaration" value="true"/>
<property name="ignoreAnnotation" value="true"/>
results is following violations:
@MyAnnotation(6) // no violation
class MyClass {
private field = 7; // no violation
void foo() {
int i = i + 1; // no violation
int j = j + 8; // violation
Config Example for constantWaiverParentToken Option:
<module name="MagicNumber">
<property name="constantWaiverParentToken" value="ASSIGN,ARRAY_INIT,EXPR,
result is following violation:
class TestMethodCall {
public void method2() {
final TestMethodCall dummyObject = new TestMethodCall(62);//violation
final int a = 3; // ok as waiver is ASSIGN
final int [] b = {4, 5} // ok as waiver is ARRAY_INIT
final int c = -3; // ok as waiver is UNARY_MINUS
final int d = +4; // ok as waiver is UNARY_PLUS
final int e = method(1, 2) // ELIST is there but violation due to METHOD_CALL
final int x = 3 * 4;// violation
final int y = 3 / 4;// ok as waiver is DIV
final int z = 3 + 4;// ok as waiver is PLUS
final int w = 3 - 4;// violation
final int x = (int)(3.4);//ok as waiver is TYPECAST