Pattern: Malformed named color
Issue: -
Require (where possible) or disallow named colors.
Colors must always, where possible, be named.
This will complain if a hex (3, 4, 6 and 8 digit), rgb()
, rgba()
, hsl()
, hsla()
, hwb()
or gray()
color can be represented as a named color.
The following patterns are considered violations:
a { color: #000; }
a { color: #f000; }
a { color: #ff000000; }
a { color: rgb(0, 0, 0); }
a { color: rgb(0%, 0%, 0%); }
a { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); }
a { color: hsl(0, 0%, 0%); }
a { color: hwb(0, 0%, 100%); }
a { color: gray(0); }
The following patterns are not considered violations:
a { color: black; }
a { color: rgb(10, 0, 0); }
a { color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.5); }
Colors must never be named.
The following patterns are considered violations:
a { color: black; }
a { color: white; }
The following patterns are not considered violations:
a { color: #000; }
a { color: rgb(0, 0, 0); }
a { color: var(--white); }
a { color: $blue; }
a { color: @blue; }
Ignore colors that are inside a function.
For example, with "never"
The following patterns are not considered violations:
a {
color: map-get($colour, blue);
a {
background-image: url(red);
For example with "never"
["/^some-/", "composes"]
The following patterns are not considered violations:
a {
some-property: red;
a {
some-other-property: red;
a {
composes: red from './index.css';