Pattern: Malformed whitespace after function
Issue: -
Require or disallow whitespace after functions. This rule does not check for space immediately after )
if the very next character is ,
, )
, or }
, allowing some of the patterns exemplified below.
There must always be whitespace after the function.
The following patterns are considered violations:
a { transform: translate(1, 1)scale(3); }
The following patterns are not considered violations:
a { transform: translate(1, 1) scale(3); }
a { transform: translate(1, 1) scale(3); }
a {
translate(1, 1)
/* notice the two closing parentheses without a space between */
a { top: calc(1 * (1 + 3)); }
/* notice the ), with no space after the closing parenthesis */
a { padding: calc(1 * 2px), calc(2 * 5px); }
/* notice the )}, with no space after the closing parenthesis */
a {
max-height: #{($line-height) * ($lines-to-show)}em;
/* notice the )}, with no space after the closing parenthesis */
a {
max-height: ((@line-height) * (@lines-to-show))em;
There must never be whitespace after the function.
The following patterns are considered violations:
a { transform: translate(1, 1) scale(3); }
The following patterns are not considered violations:
a { transform: translate(1, 1)scale(3); }