Pattern: Missing number/angle notation for degree hue
Issue: -
Because hues are so often given in degrees, a hue can also be given as a number, which is interpreted as a number of degrees.
: "angle"|"number"
Degree hues must always use angle notation.
The following patterns are considered violations:
a { color: hsl(198 28% 50%) }
a { color: lch(56.29% 19.86 10 / 15%) }
The following patterns are not considered violations:
a { color: hsl(198deg 28% 50%) }
a { color: lch(56.29% 19.86 10deg / 15%) }
Degree hues must always use the number notation.
The following patterns are considered violations:
a { color: hsl(198deg 28% 50%) }
a { color: lch(56.29% 19.86 10deg / 15%) }
The following patterns are not considered violations:
a { color: hsl(198 28% 50%) }
a { color: lch(56.29% 19.86 10 / 15%) }