Pattern: Use of non-allowed-listed media feature name/value pair
Issue: -
This rule ignores media features within range and boolean context.
"unprefixed-media-feature-name": ["array", "of", "values"],
"/unprefixed-media-feature-name/": ["/regex/", "non-regex"]
If a media feature name is found in the object, only its whitelisted values are allowed. If the media feature name is not included in the object, anything goes.
If a name or value is surrounded with /
(e.g. "/width$/"
), it is interpreted
as a regular expression. For example, /width$/
will match max-width
"min-width": ["768px", "1024px"],
"/resolution/": ["/dpcm$/"]
The following pattern are considered violations:
@media screen and (min-width: 1000px) {}
@media screen and (min-resolution: 2dpi) {}
The following patterns are not considered violations:
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {}
@media screen and (min-width: 1024px) {}
@media screen and (orientation: portrait) {}
@media screen and (min-resolution: 2dpcm) {}
@media screen and (resolution: 10dpcm) {}