Pattern: Missing interpolation for $
Issue: -
Disallow Sass variables that are used without interpolation with CSS features that use custom identifiers.
.class {
$var: "my-anim";
animation-name: $var;
// ↑
// This variable needs to be interpolated
// because its value is a string
Sass variables that contain a custom identifier as a string always require interpolation when used. Some CSS at-rules require variable interpolation even when the custom identifier value is not a string.
For example, your CSS animation could look like this:
animation: myAnim 5s;
When you store your custom identifier as string in a Sass variable...
$myVar: "myAnim";
...then you need to make sure that the variable is interpolated when it gets used:
animation: #{$myVar} 5s;
If you do not interpolate the variable, Sass will compile your animation name to a string, producing invalid CSS:
animation: "myAnim" 5s;
This rule can only check for variables that are defined inside the same file where they are used.
The following patterns are considered warnings:
$var: my-anim;
@keyframes $var {}
$var: "circled-digits";
@counter-style $var {
system: fixed;
symbols: ➀ ➁ ➂;
suffix: ' ';
speak-as: numbers;
$var: "my-counter";
body {
counter-reset: $var;
$var: "my-anim";
@supports (animation-name: $var) {
@keyframes {}
The following patterns are not considered warnings:
$var: my-anim;
@keyframes #{$var} {}
$var: circled-digits;
@counter-style #{$var} {
system: fixed;
symbols: ➀ ➁ ➂;
suffix: ' ';
speak-as: numbers;
$var: my-counter;
body {
counter-reset: $var;
$var: my-anim;
@supports (animation-name: $var) {
@keyframes {}