Pattern: Use of unknown function
Issue: -
Disallows unknown functions. Should be used instead of Stylelint's function-no-unknown.
a { color: unknown(1); }
/** ↑
* Functions like this */
This rule is basically a wrapper around the mentioned core rule. You must disable Stylelint's core rule to make this rule work:
"rules": {
"function-no-unknown": null,
"scss/function-no-unknown": true
The following patterns are considered warnings:
a { color: unknown(1); }
The following patterns are not considered warnings:
a { color: hsl(240 100% 50%); }
a { color: if(true, green, red); }
["/^my-/i", "foo"]
The following patterns are not considered warnings:
a { color: my-func(1); }
a { color: MY-FUNC(1); }
a { color: foo(1); }