Pattern: Too many compound selectors
Issue: -
A compound selector is a chain of one or more simple (tag, class, id, universal, attribute) selectors. If there is more than one compound selector in a complete selector, they will be separated by combinators (e.g.
, +
, >
). One reason why you might want to limit the number of compound selectors is described in the SMACSS book.
This rule resolves nested selectors before calculating the depth of a selector.
is considered one compound selector irrespective to the complexity of the selector inside it. The rule does process that inner selector, but does so separately, independent of the main selector.
: Maximum compound selectors allowed.
For example, with 3
The following patterns are considered violations:
.foo .bar .baz .lorem {}
.foo .baz {
& > .bar .lorem {}
The following patterns are not considered violations:
div {}
.foo div {}
#foo #bar > #baz {}
.foo + div :not (a b ~ c) {} /* `a b ~ c` is inside :not() and is processed separately */