Pattern: EKS Clusters should have cluster control plane logging turned on
Issue: -
By default cluster control plane logging is not turned on. Logging is available for audit, api, authenticator, controllerManager and scheduler. All logging should be turned on for cluster control plane.
Resolution: Enable logging for the EKS control plane.
Example of incorrect code:
resource "aws_eks_cluster" "bad_example" {
encryption_config {
resources = [ "secrets" ]
provider {
key_arn = var.kms_arn
name = "bad_example_cluster"
role_arn = var.cluster_arn
vpc_config {
endpoint_public_access = false
Example of correct code:
resource "aws_eks_cluster" "good_example" {
encryption_config {
resources = [ "secrets" ]
provider {
key_arn = var.kms_arn
enabled_cluster_log_types = ["api", "authenticator", "audit", "scheduler", "controllerManager"]
name = "good_example_cluster"
role_arn = var.cluster_arn
vpc_config {
endpoint_public_access = false