Pattern: Disabled general logging for AWS MQ
Issue: -
Logging should be enabled to allow tracing of issues and activity to be investigated more fully. Logs provide additional information and context which is often invaluable during investigation
Resolution: Enable general logging.
Example of incorrect code:
resource "aws_mq_broker" "bad_example" {
broker_name = "example"
configuration {
id =
revision = aws_mq_configuration.test.latest_revision
engine_type = "ActiveMQ"
engine_version = "5.15.0"
host_instance_type = "mq.t2.micro"
security_groups = []
user {
username = "ExampleUser"
password = "MindTheGap"
logs {
general = false
Example of correct code:
resource "aws_mq_broker" "good_example" {
broker_name = "example"
configuration {
id =
revision = aws_mq_configuration.test.latest_revision
engine_type = "ActiveMQ"
engine_version = "5.15.0"
host_instance_type = "mq.t2.micro"
security_groups = []
user {
username = "ExampleUser"
password = "MindTheGap"
logs {
general = true