Pattern: Use of sensitive data in user_data
for cloudstack_instance
Issue: -
When creating instances, user data can be used during the initial configuration. User data must not contain sensitive information
Resolution: Don't use sensitive data in the user data section.
Example of incorrect code:
resource "cloudstack_instance" "web" {
name = "server-1"
service_offering = "small"
network_id = "6eb22f91-7454-4107-89f4-36afcdf33021"
template = "CentOS 6.5"
zone = "zone-1"
user_data = <<EOF
export DATABASE_PASSWORD=\"SomeSortOfPassword\"
Example of correct code:
resource "cloudstack_instance" "web" {
name = "server-1"
service_offering = "small"
network_id = "6eb22f91-7454-4107-89f4-36afcdf33021"
template = "CentOS 6.5"
zone = "zone-1"
user_data = <<EOF
export GREETING="Hello there"