Pattern: Use of public firewall rule for OpenStack
Issue: -
Opening up ports to the public internet is generally to be avoided. You should restrict access to IP addresses or ranges that explicitly require it where possible.
Resolution: Employ more restrictive firewall rules.
Example of incorrect code:
resource "openstack_fw_rule_v1" "rule_1" {
name = "my_rule"
description = "let anyone in"
action = "allow"
protocol = "tcp"
destination_port = "22"
enabled = "true"
Example of correct code:
resource "openstack_fw_rule_v1" "rule_1" {
name = "my_rule"
description = "don't let just anyone in"
action = "allow"
protocol = "tcp"
destination_ip_address = ""
source_ip_address = ""
destination_port = "22"
enabled = "true"