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Support Local 🌟

This project is submitted for MLH - Neighborhood Hacks 2 2022 Hackathon

Support Local

The Idea behind Support Local is to build a hassle-free web application which will help local charities,small shops and local peoples who need funds.

Technology Stack Used:

html5 css3 css3 css3 css3 css3 css3

  • EJS: For webpage templating
  • Mongoose: As a driver to connect MongoDB with node.js

What it does?

  1. Upon visiting our web app the user is presented with a home Page where they can see basic details about charities, volunteers, fundraising and small shops.

  2. Once the user click on any one of nav-icon they will be render to that page where they can see various posts related to charities, fundraising, shop small or volunteers depends on which icon they clicked and if they want to read more about it they will click on the read more button related to that post which will render them to that post page where they can see more details about it. On each post page whether it's related to charity or fundraising or shop we have provided details such as name, about, address, contact and image. We have also provided social icons so that if they want other peoples to know about that charity or shop or fund, they can do this by sharing it on any of their social media which they want by clicking on that social icons on the given post page. On the fundraising posts we have provided a feature to donate funds, so that if any user wants to donate funds they can do this by clicking on donate button on any of the fundraising post where they want to donate, and once they click on donate button they will be rendered to the donate page where they have to provide some basic details about donator and the amount which they want to pay.

  3. The user will also get an option of Add charity, Add shops and Fundraisers through which they can publish their own posts regarding charity, shops, and funds on our site.

How we built it βš™οΈ

For frontend, we had used HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript. For backend, the real gem was to store data provided by user for which we had used MongoDB and Mongoose as a driver to connect MongoDB with node.JS.

Installation/Execution βœ…

  1. Clone the repository

  2. Navigate into the repo and run

    npm install
  3. Create a file named config.env in the root directory of the project

  4. Copy contents of config.copy.env to config.env and replace all the environment variables

  5. To start the server run

    npm run dev

Challenges we ran into πŸ’»

  1. Fetching and Installing Dependencies
  2. Fixing Backend Errors

Accomplishments that we're proud of πŸ†

We were able to complete the idea behind the challenge and create a hack to solve the problems for local groups and small businesses. Team Work was something we were really proud of especially when we had errors we worked together to fix them.

What we learnt? πŸ“š

Teamwork makes the dream work!

What's next for Support Local?

Building a complete full-stack web application and helping the user to experience the best out of it.

Team Members:

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