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This repository was archived by the owner on Mar 6, 2024. It is now read-only.

Tags: coderabbitai/ai-pr-reviewer




This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Add option bot_icon (#461)

Modify the icon and image dimensions to be customizable, since the icons
displayed in Coderabbit's Slack notifications are excessively large and
clutter the screen.
<!-- This is an auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit
### Summary by CodeRabbit

- New Feature: Added a new optional input parameter `bot_icon` to the
GitHub Action workflow. This allows users to customize the icon
displayed in Slack notifications sent by the bot. The default value
remains as the pre-defined image tag, ensuring backward compatibility
for existing users who do not specify this new parameter.
<!-- end of auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit -->



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
fix issue with multiple release notes (#452)

<!-- This is an auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit
### Summary by CodeRabbit

- Refactor: Updated `DESCRIPTION_START_TAG` constant to be a string and optimized the `removeContentWithinTags` function in `src/commenter.ts`.
- Documentation: Updated product name from "Professional Version of CodeRabbit" to "CodeRabbit Pro" in and src/review.ts.
- New Feature: Announced that CodeRabbit Pro is now free for open source projects, as reflected in src/review.ts.
<!-- end of auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit -->



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
fix issue with multiple release notes (#452)

<!-- This is an auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit
### Summary by CodeRabbit

- Refactor: Updated `DESCRIPTION_START_TAG` constant to be a string and optimized the `removeContentWithinTags` function in `src/commenter.ts`.
- Documentation: Updated product name from "Professional Version of CodeRabbit" to "CodeRabbit Pro" in and src/review.ts.
- New Feature: Announced that CodeRabbit Pro is now free for open source projects, as reflected in src/review.ts.
<!-- end of auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit -->



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
fix issue with multiple release notes (#452)

<!-- This is an auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit
### Summary by CodeRabbit

- Refactor: Updated `DESCRIPTION_START_TAG` constant to be a string and optimized the `removeContentWithinTags` function in `src/commenter.ts`.
- Documentation: Updated product name from "Professional Version of CodeRabbit" to "CodeRabbit Pro" in and src/review.ts.
- New Feature: Announced that CodeRabbit Pro is now free for open source projects, as reflected in src/review.ts.
<!-- end of auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit -->



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
move poem to the summary message (#442)

<!-- This is an auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit
### Summary by CodeRabbit

- Refactor: Updated the prompt for final summarization response and release notes to provide a clear structure in markdown format.
- Documentation: Included detailed instructions for crafting the final response, emphasizing user impact and categorizing changes appropriately.
- Chore: Moved the poem section to the summary message to enhance readability and engagement.
<!-- end of auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit -->



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
add cr pro message (#440)

<!-- This is an auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit
### Summary by CodeRabbit

## Release Notes

### New Feature
- Introduced CodeRabbit Pro, an advanced paid version of the project
with additional features and improvements compared to the open-source


> 🎉 Celebrate, oh developers far and wide, 🌍
> For CodeRabbit Pro has arrived! 🐇💼
> With features new and improvements galore, 💡🚀
> Coding will never be a bore. 🎈🎊
> So let's embrace this change, my friend, 👫
> And code towards a future without end! 🌅💻
<!-- end of auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit -->



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
do not submit review when it's disabled (#434)

<!-- This is an auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit
### Summary by CodeRabbit

## Release Notes

- **New Feature**: Enhanced the review submission process in
`src/review.ts`. The update includes a final summary comment before
submitting the review, improving clarity and communication.

> 🎉 Here's to the code that's ever so bright,
> A new line added, enhancing our might.
> With summaries clear, we take flight,
> In the realm of code, it's a delightful sight! 🚀
<!-- end of auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit -->



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
add back the poem (#432)

<!-- This is an auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit
### Summary by CodeRabbit

## Release Notes

- **New Feature**: Added an integrations page to the UI. This new
feature enhances user experience by providing a centralized location for
all integrations.

> 🎉 A new page takes flight, 🚀
> Integrations shining bright. 💡
> In our UI, they unite, 🤝
> Making everything just right! ✨
<!-- end of auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit -->



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
language support (#430)

<!-- This is an auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit
### Summary by CodeRabbit

**New Features:**
- Added a new input parameter `language` to the `run()` function, allowing users to specify the language ISO code.

**Bug Fixes:**
- Fixed syntax error in the `add` function.
- Improved logic in `complex_function`.

- Updated project documentation and instructions in
- Enhanced review comment guidelines for better clarity.

- Refactored rendering and summarizing of file diffs in `review.ts`.
- Updated `Options` class to include a new property `language`.

- Updated Node.js version requirement to 17+.
- Added exclusion patterns for additional file extensions in GitHub PR workflow.
<!-- end of auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit -->



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
sanitize entire response before parsing comments (#416)

<!-- This is an auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit
### Summary by CodeRabbit

### Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a logic error in the `add` function in `prompts.ts`. The operation has been corrected from subtraction to addition.
- Enhanced security in `review.ts` by sanitizing the entire response before parsing comments. 

### Refactor:
- Renamed `sanitizeComment` function to `sanitizeResponse` in `review.ts`, and expanded its functionality to sanitize code blocks for suggestions and diffs.

### Removed:
- Removed single line comment functionality as it was deemed unnecessary.

> 🎉 Here's to bugs that are no more,  
> To logic errors shown the door.  
> With sanitized responses, we stand tall,  
> In the face of threats, big or small.  
> So here's to code that's clean and neat,  
> Making our victory oh so sweet! 🥳

<!-- end of auto-generated comment: release notes by OSS CodeRabbit -->