π΅ easily configurable neovim system with solid defaults and a cozy editor experience.
chaivim uses lazy.nvim to manage plugins.
- π telescope - a highly extendable fuzzy finder.
- π² treesitter - treesitter configurations and abstraction layer for neovim.
- π none-ls - abstraction layer for lsp diagnostics, code actions, and formatters.
- π» keymaps - a keymap manager for neovim.
βοΈ lualine - a blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin.- π cmp - a completion plugin for neovim.
- βοΈ luasnip with friendly-snippets - a snippet engine for neovim.
- π¨ mini.nvim - the "swiss army knife" among neovim plugins.
- π¦ gitsigns - git integration for neovim.
- π which-key - a keymap ui for neovim.
- π todo-comments - highlight, list and search todo comments in your projects.
- π§ trouble - a diagnostics manager.
- π incline - floating statuslines for neovim.
- π indent-blankline - indent guides for neovim.
- Neovim
>= 0.10.0
(needs to be built with LuaJIT) - git
>= 2.19.0
(for partial clones support) - a Nerd Font (optional)
- luarocks to install rockspecs.
chaivim can be installed manually or through the installer:
curl -fsSL https://github.com/comfysage/chaivim/raw/mega/utils/installer/install.sh | sh
-- init.lua
local rootpath = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/ch"
local chaipath = rootpath .. "/chai"
if not vim.uv.fs_stat(chaipath) then
-- init.lua
require 'ch'.setup('custom.config', 'custom.modules')
-- lua/custom/config.lua
return {
ui = {
colorscheme = 'evergarden',
transparent_background = false,
-- lua/custom/modules.lua
return {
ch = {
opts = {
cursorline = false,
tab_width = 2,
scrolloff = 5,
opts = {
open_on_startup = true,
custom = {
-- your custom modules (in `lua/custom/`)
or call require 'ch'.setup 'custom'
to load a custom configuration from lua/custom/init.lua
-- init.lua
require 'ch'.setup 'custom'
-- lua/custom/init.lua
return {
ui = {
colorscheme = 'evergarden',
modules = {
ch = {
{ 'options' },
{ 'base' },
all config fields can be overwritten after setup()
ch.config.ui.colorscheme = 'tokyonight'
view example configurations for modules here.