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File metadata and controls

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Endpoint Configuration

All Firestorm applications will need to call AddEndpoints to configure the interaction between the API request and Firestorm resources.

The default configuration is used if no arguments are given. Other overloads are available to configure the EndpointConfiguration object.

    .AddEndpoints(c =>
        // configure endpoints here


The Response property defines how responses are built before they are sent to the client. This object contain further properties.

.AddEndpoints(c =>
    c.Response.ShowDeveloperErrors = true;
    c.Response.StatusField = ResponseStatusField.StatusCode;
  • ShowDeveloperErrors includes stack trace and inner exceptions in error responses.
  • StatusField sets a field used in the response to a command.
    • A value of ResponseStatusField.StatusCode includes a status property, which can be ok, created or error.
    • A value of ResponseStatusField.SuccessBoolean includes a success boolean property.
  • WrapResourceObject also includes the above status field in query responses.
  • Pagination provides further options for paging collections.
    • MaxPageSize sets the count of items per page.
    • UseLinkHeaders responds with a Link HTTP header for the client to follow to the next and previous pages.
    • WrapCollectionResponseBody responds with a paging object that contains properties for the page info with the full collection nested inside.
    • SuggestedNavigationType defines how the next and previous page URLs are generated.
      • A value of PageNavigationType.PageNumber simply uses a querystring of ?page=2.
      • A value of PageNavigationType.Offset uses ?offset=100.
      • A value of PageNavigationType.SortAndFilter attempts to find the page by filters e.g. ?sort=id+asc&where=id>123.
  • ResourceOnSuccessfulCommand forces commands to respond with the modified resource, instead of a simple acknowledement body.


The QueryString is another object that defines which keywords and operators can be used in querystrings.

  • SelectFieldQueryKeys for projecting fields. Defaults to [ "select", "fields" ].
  • SelectFieldDelimiters defines characters used to split the fields in the above value. Defaults to [ ',', ';', '+', ' ' ].
  • WhereFilterQueryKeys for filters. Defaults to [ "where", "filter" ].
  • SpecialFilterKeysEnabled allows filters to work directly in the querystring like ?id=123.
  • WhereFilterComparisonOperators is a dictionary of strings (e.g. "!=") to FilterComparisonOperator values.
  • SortOrderQueryKeys for sorting. Defaults to [ "sort", "order", "orderby" ].
  • SortDirectionModifiers is a dictionary of strings (e.g. asc) to SortDirection values.
  • SortInstructionDelimiters defines characters used to split the sort fields. Defaults to [ ',', ';' ].
  • SortModifierDelimiters defines characters used to split each field with a modifer. Defaults to [ '+', ' ' ].
  • PageSizeQueryKeys for filters. Defaults to [ "limit", "take", "size", "per_page" ].
  • PageOffsetQueryKeys for filters. Defaults to [ "offset", "skip" ].
  • PageNumberQueryKeys for filters. Defaults to [ "page" ].
  • SpecialPageNumbers is a dictionary of strings that are translated to page numbers e.g. first maps to page 1.
  • DictionaryReferencePrefix can be used in the URL path to turn a collection into a dictionary e.g. /people/by_name/.


The Strategies property contains several strategy sets defining what unsafe methods (e.g. POST, PUT, PATCH) should do to the different resource types.

For example, you can configure the DELETE method on a collection to clear the whole collection.

.AddEndpoints(c =>
    c.Strategies.ForCollections[UnsafeMethod.Delete] = new ClearCollectionStrategy();


The NamingConventionSwitcher converts the client request field names to your .NET member names.

The default NamingConventionSwitcher class has 3 properties specifying the cases to convert from and to.

  • CodedCase is the case used for your .NET members. This defaults to PascalCaseConvention.
  • DefaultOutputCase is how the clients see your API fields. This defaults to SnakeCaseConvention.
  • AllowedCases is an IEnumerable<ICaseConvention> that is used to check input fields from API clients.

There's also the VoidNamingConventionSwitcher, which does no switching and makes your API all the same cases as your .NET members.