All query examples will use the default parameter names and delimiters. These can be configured in the EndpointConfiguration.QueryString
List items in a collection simply by requesting the collection resource.
GET /people
{ "id": 1, "name": "Bilbo Baggins", "age": 111 },
{ "id": 2, "name": "Albus Dumbledore", "age": 115 },
{ "id": 3, "name": "Peter Pan", "age": 13 }
By default, the where
and filter
querystring parameters can filter the collection results.
GET /people?where=age=111
{ "id": 1, "name": "Bilbo Baggins", "age": 111 }
Other operators can be used in place of the =
Not Equals>
Greater than<
Less than>=
Greater than or equals<=
Less than or equals^=
Starts with$=
Ends with*=
For example:
GET /people?where=age>100
{ "id": 1, "name": "Bilbo Baggins", "age": 111 },
{ "id": 2, "name": "Albus Dumbledore", "age": 115 }
You can also completely omit the where
or filter
parameter and use the field name as the parameter directly.
GET /people?age=111
This can even be used with other operations, although the querystring would not appear to be formatted correctly.
GET /people?age>100
The sort
, order
or orderby
querystring parameters can all be used to sort the collection results.
The default order is ascending order.
GET /people?sort=age
{ "id": 3, "name": "Peter Pan", "age": 13 },
{ "id": 1, "name": "Bilbo Baggins", "age": 111 },
{ "id": 2, "name": "Albus Dumbledore", "age": 115 }
You can specify the sort direction order by adding a delimiter (+
) and a modifier (asc
, desc
, ascending
, descending
GET /people?sort=age+desc
Multiple sort instructions can be chained using a different delimiter (,
or ;
). The left-most instruction will be used first, and others will be used if the values are identical.
GET /people?sort=age,id+desc,name
The fields
or select
parameters can specify which fields you want in the response.
Fields are separated by the ,
, ;
, +
GET /people?fields=name,age
{ "name": "Peter Pan", "age": 13 },
{ "name": "Bilbo Baggins", "age": 111 },
{ "name": "Albus Dumbledore", "age": 115 }
You can also select hidden fields this way.
GET /people?fields=name,date_of_birth
Identifiers can be used to drill-down into a single item within the collection.
GET /people/3
"id": 3,
"name": "Peter Pan",
"age": 13
If an item with the given identifier does not exist, a 404 response will be given.
GET /people/9999
404 Not Found
"status": "not_found",
"error": "identifier_not_found",
"message": "An item was not found with the identifier '9999'."
The fields
or select
parameters can be used just like with collections.
GET /people/2?fields=name,age
"name": "Albus Dumbledore",
"age": 115
You can perform a partial update of an item using the PUT
methods, depending on the server's EndpointConfiguration.RequestStrategies
PUT /people/2
"name": "Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore",
"age": 116
200 OK
status: "ok"
Even if a resource at this URL with this identifier does not exist, the server may be configured to allow an 'upsert'. This will attempt to create the resource at the URL.
If this is the case, the server will respond with a 201 status code.
201 Created
"status": "created"
If the URL cannot be edited or created, a 404 will be returned.
Each field can also be navigated to directly. Scalar fields will return just their value on their own.
GET /people/1/name
"Bilbo Baggins"
Scalars can also be edited using the PUT property.
PUT /people/1/name
"Frodo Baggins"
200 OK
"status": "ok"