Dream code is code that is not real. Its purpose is to create the most user-friendly SDK APIs from the perspectives of developers who want to build GitHub Extensions using JavaScript/Typescript.
Please, any questions/feedback/feelings are welcome. This is a safe space. Please file issues or jump right in and start pull requests.
- Event-based API for receiving and responding to messages
- Automated Payload verification
- High-level APIs for different types of responses (text, confirmation, references, etc.)
- High-level API for interacting with models
import { createServer } from "http";
import {
} from "@octokit/copilot-extension";
const copilotExtension = new CopilotExtension({
userAgent: "my-app-name",
async ({ message, octokit, prompt, respond, log }) => {
log.info("Received a message:", message.content);
const { data: user } = await octokit.request("GET /user");
await respond.text(`Hello, ${user.login}!`);
await respond.confirmation({
title: "Would you like to hear a joke?",
message: "I have a joke about construction, but I'm still working on it.",
id: "joke",
// optional
meta: {
other: "data",
// https://github.com/github/copilot-partners/blob/6d1cde3a1abb147da53f1a39864661dc824d40b5/docs/confirmations.md
async ({ confirmation, octokit, prompt, respond, log }) => {
if (confirmation.id === "joke") {
if (confirmation.state === "dismissed") {
await respond.text("Okay, maybe next time!");
await respond.text(
prompt.stream("Please tell me a joke about Mona Lisa, Github's mascot.")
log.warn("Received an unknown confirmation:", confirmation.id);
await respond.text("Hmm, something went wrong. Please try again later.");
copilotExtension.log.info("Listening on http://localhost:3000");
For other environments, these methods are available:
// verify the payload and call handlers
await copilotExtension.verifyAndReceive({ payload, signature, keyId });
// same, but skip verification
await copilotExtension.receive({ payload });
// and if you don't want to use the event-based API
const { isValidRequest, payload } = await copilotExtension.verifyAndParse(
Regarding the context passed to event handlers
/ etc are objects as received by the useroctokit
is a pre-authenticated octokit instanceprompt
is based on my work at https://github.com/github/gr2m-projects/blob/167/github-models/167-github-models/README.md. A simple API to interact with GitHub models. I assume we will default the prompt URL tohttps://api.githubcopilot.com/chat/completions
and the model togpt-4o
(or whatever our CAPI name for that is?)- The
API will automatically apply interop transformations if the request is sent to an endpoint other than Copilot's chat complitions endpoint. respond
is an API to send different types of responses to the userlog
is the logger as we use it in Octokit. See https://github.com/octokit/core.js?tab=readme-ov-file#logging
On how to receive the events (transport layer)
is something we have currently built into some of the Octokit SDKs, e.g. https://github.com/octokit/app.js?tab=readme-ov-file#createnodemiddlewareapp-options. However, I think we will move these out into separate packages, such as@octokit/webhooks-middleware-node
, etc. But for now, we can just assume that we ship with it by default. We can also add other middlewares for Netlify/Vercel edge functions, lambda, etc.