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Pulumi Projen Project Types

Collection of Projen project types for use with Pulumi

Getting Started

projen doesn't need to be installed. You will be using npx to run projen which takes care of all required setup steps.

To create a new project, run the following command and follow the instructions:

$ mkdir my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npx projen new --from @hallcor/pulumi-projen-project-types PROJECT-TYPE
🤖 Synthesizing project...

Once your project is created, you can configure your project by editing .projenrc.ts or and re-running npx projen to synthesize again.

The files generated by projen are considered an "implementation detail" and projen protects them from being manually edited (most files are marked read-only, and an "anti tamper" check is configured in the CI build workflow to ensure that files are not updated during build).

Projen commands

For the TypeScript based projects the project commands can be viewed an run using the package manager (e.g. yarn build, yarn package, etc). For non-TypeScript based projects (i.e. Python) you can use projen to view and run project commands.

Projen is built around a standard build process for all projects. Each project will have these standard tasks.

  1. default: The "default" task that executes projen and synthesizes the project
  2. pre-compile: Task that runs prior to compile
  3. compile: Compiles the project (e.g. tsc --build for TypeScript projects)
  4. post-compile: Task that runs after compile
  5. test: Task that runs the project tests
  6. package: Task that runs steps to package the project for publishing

There is also a standard build task the chains the above 6 tasks in order.

There is a great [tasks guide] where you can find more information on adding new tasks, editing existing tasks, etc.

List available commands

$ npx projen --help
projen [command]

  projen new [PROJECT-TYPE-NAME] [OPTIONS]  Creates a new projen project

                                            For a complete list of the available options for a specific project type, run:
                                            projen new [PROJECT-TYPE-NAME] --help
  projen build                              Full release build
  projen bump                               Bumps version based on latest git tag and generates a changelog entry
  projen clobber                            hard resets to HEAD of origin and cleans the local repo
  projen compile                            Only compile
  projen default                            Synthesize project files
  projen dist
  projen eject                              Remove projen from the project
  projen install                            Install and upgrade dependencies
  projen package                            Creates the distribution package
  projen post-compile                       Runs after successful compilation
  projen pre-compile                        Prepare the project for compilation
  projen publish:git                        Prepends the release changelog onto the project changelog, creates a release commit, and tags the release
  projen release                            Prepare a release from "main" branch
  projen test                               Run tests
  projen unbump                             Restores version to 0.0.0
  projen completion                         generate completion script

      --post     Run post-synthesis steps such as installing dependencies. Use --no-post to skip                                                                                                                                     [boolean] [default: true]
  -w, --watch    Keep running and resynthesize when projenrc changes                                                                                                                                                                [boolean] [default: false]
      --debug    Debug logs                                                                                                                                                                                                         [boolean] [default: false]
      --rc       path to .projenrc.js file                                                                                                                        [deprecated] [string] [default: "/Users/chall/personal/pulumi-lambda-builders/.projenrc.js"]
      --help     Show help                                                                                                                                                                                                                           [boolean]
      --version  Show version number              

Run a specific command

$ npx projen build

Inspect a specific command

$ npx projen build -i
description: Full release build
- default
  description: Synthesize project files
  - exec: python
- pre-compile
  description: Prepare the project for compilation
- compile
  description: Only compile
- post-compile
  description: Runs after successful compilation
- test
  description: Run tests
  - exec: npm ci
  - exec: pytest
- package
  description: Creates the distribution package
  - dist
    - exec: mkdir -p dist
    - exec: cp version.json dist/
    - exec: git checkout version.json

Project types

Currently supported project types

  • PythonComponent: Creates a Pulumi Python Component project
  • TypeScriptComponent: Creates a Pulumi TypeScript Component project

Pulumi Python Component

$ mkdir my-python-component
$ cd my-python-component
$ npx projen new --from @hallcor/pulumi-projen-project-types python_component


from hallcor.pulumi_projen_project_types import PythonComponent

project = PythonComponent(


Configuration Options

  • componentName By default the name of the of the Pulumi component will be taken from the project name. This can be overridden by using the componentName property.

For a full list of input properties supported see the Input Property Reference

  • pulumi_python_options This can be used to override some of the default Pulumi options. For example you can specify a specific version of pulumi to use.
project = PythonComponent(
        pulumi_version=">=3.153 <4.0" # this is the default value

For publishing related options see the publishing section

Pulumi TypeScript Component

$ mkdir my-python-component
$ cd my-python-component
$ npx projen new --from @hallcor/pulumi-projen-project-types type_script_component


  • TODO

Configuration Options

  • TODO


The Pulumi Component project types also setup publishing workflows to publish git tags and GitHub releases. By default these will


The publishing workflows rely on commit-and-tag-version which means your commits must follow Conventional Commits

  • Create an annotated tag on push to the main branch
  • Create a GitHub release for the tag when the tag is created

Release Trigger

By default the project will publish a new tag on every commit to the main branch. This can be configured via the releaseTrigger option.

  • scheduled: Run the release workflow on a schedule
  • manual: Creates a publish task which can be run locally to publish a tag
  • continuous: Run the release workflow on every commit to the main branch

On a schedule

new TypeScriptComponent({
  releaseTrigger: ReleaseTrigger.scheduled({ schedule: '0 0 * * 2' }), // run every tuesday


new TypeScriptComponent({
  releaseTrigger: ReleaseTrigger.manual(),

GitHub Credentials

For the release workflow to create tags, specific credentials are needed. By default it expects a GitHub secret variable named PROJEN_GITHUB_TOKEN with read/write access to contents. A separate token from the builtin ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} is needed in order to trigger the downstream release-github workflow.

This can be customized using the projenCredentials option.

From a different secret

new TypeScriptComponent({
  projenCredentials: GithubCredentials.fromPersonalAccessToken({ secret: 'MY_GITHUB_TOKEN' }),

From a GitHub app

new TypeScriptComponent({
  projenCredentials: GithubCredentials.fromApp({
    privateKeySecret: 'MY_GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY',
    appIdSecret: 'MY_GITHUB_APP_ID',