Plugin that uses the camera and opencv to determine if the bed matches a reference image indicating that the bed is clear and ready to start a print.
For the plugin to work properly add @BEDREADY
at the beginning of your slicer's start gcode. As of version 0.2.0 you can also pass a filename and match percentage along with the command, @BEDREADY filename.jpg 0.8
. This is helpful for having multiple reference images for different types of bed surfaces, and adding the GCODE into the filament specific start gcode settings.
TIP: For best results add gcode to your slicer's end gcode to position the head out of the way for the next comparison.
NOTE: Lighting, camera view angle changes, and filament color that is similar to the bed can impact accuracy; adjust the Match Percentage setting to compensate.
Install via the bundled Plugin Manager or manually using this URL:
Use the Test Snapshot button to compare the currently selected default Reference Image with the bed.
As of version 0.2.0 there are also plugin helpers available for other plugins to utilize the comparison functions.
def on_after_startup(self):
helpers = self._plugin_manager.get_helpers("bedready", "check_bed", "take_snapshot")
if helpers and "check_bed" in helpers:
self.check_bed = helpers["check_bed"]
if helpers and "take_snapshot" in helpers:
self.take_snapshot = helpers["take_snapshot"]
# Later in the plugin....
self.check_bed("new_snapshot.jpg", 0.8)
If you experience issues with this plugin or need assistance please use the issue tracker by clicking issues above.
Check out my other plugins here
- Andreas Lindermayr
- @TheTuxKeeper
- @tideline3d
- SimplyPrint
- Andrew Beeman
- Calanish
- Lachlan Bell
- Jonny Bergdahl
- Leigh Johnson
- Stephen Berry
- Steve Dougherty
I, jneilliii, programmed this plugin for fun and do my best effort to support those that have issues with it, please return the favor and leave me a tip or become a Patron if you find this plugin helpful and want me to continue future development.
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