Create an issue and propose the topic. Wait for approval before contributing.
Create a new YAML file in
- see this example for how to set the post title and description. -
Prefix it with the date.
Add images to
- resize all images to < 200-300KB. -
Raise a Pull Request
If you use any copyrighted material such as text, code, or images, then you must credit the author.
You will need node.js in order to install yarn:
$ npm i -g yarn
You may need to run brew install/upgrade ruby
if the bundle
command is unavailable.
If it's still unavailable run:
$ gem install bundle
When you have the tools in place run:
$ bundle install
$ yarn install
$ yarn run tailwind init _includes/tailwind.config.js
JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build
Content will be in _site
bundle exec jekyll serve
Access the site at:
Apple M1:
arch -arch x86_64 bundle install
arch -arch x86_64 bundle exec jekyll serve