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filmer πŸŽ₯

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filmer is a lightweight & simple request-animation-frame manager written in TypeScript. No dependencies πŸš€

This tool helps creators to start animation development smoothly πŸ”¨


using a package manager:

npm i @craf-te/filmer
import filmer from '@craf-te/filmer';

how to use

basic usage

  .add('animation1',          // unique id,
    ({ time, deltaTime }) => {
      /* do something */
      console.log(time);      // elapsed time
      console.log(deltaTime); // time difference from the previous frame


// if you need to stop/reset,
// or

and also, it can be written this way.

import filmer from '@craf-te/filmer';
import type { AnimationFunction } from '@craf-te/filmer';

const animate: AnimationFunction = ({ time, deltaTime }) => {
  console.log('something to animate',time, deltaTime);

filmer.add('animation1', animate);

remove animation

const removeFunc = filmer.add('animation1', () => {});

// or
// or if you want to remove all,

order of execution (optional)

If the third argument specifies the order of execution, it will be executed in ascending order.

filmer.add('animation1', () => {}, 2);
filmer.add('animation2', () => {}, Infinity);
filmer.add('animation3', () => {}, 1);

// executed in the following order
// 1, animation3
// 2, animation1
// 3, animation2


coefficient not affected by fps

For implementations that use coefficients, such as animations using linear interpolation, coefficients that are not affected by fps can be used. This is useful, for example, when using a 120 fps monitor and the fps is not stable.

The default target is 60fps. To change it, enter a value in the argument.

  ({ time, deltaTime }) => {
    const coeff = 0.8;

    const adjustedCoeff = filmer.getLerpCoeff(coeff);

    // if you want to set target to 120fps,
    const adjustedCoeff120 = filmer.getLerpCoeff(coeff, 120);

using with framework

It can also be used in a front-end framework. For example, if you use React, you can write the following.

// useRAF.ts

// reusing Logic with Custom Hooks
import { useEffect, useId } from "react";

import filmer from "@craf-te/filmer";
import type { AnimationFunction } from "@craf-te/filmer";

export const useRAF = (callback: AnimationFunction, order?: number) => {
  const id = useId();
  useEffect(()=> {
    const remove = filmer.add(id, callback, order);
    if(!filmer.isAnimating) filmer.start();
    return () => remove();
  }, [callback, id, order]);
// component.tsx

import type { AnimationFunction } from '@craf-te/filmer';
import { useCallback } from 'react';

import { useRAF } from '<useRAF-file-path>';

export default function Component() {
  const animation: AnimationFunction = useCallback(({ time, deltaTime }) => {
    console.log(time, deltaTime);
  }, []);


  return <div>{/* something */}</div>;

re-arrangement of execution order

The execution order argument accepts numbers other than integers. If you want to rearrange the numbers again, execute reorder.

filmer.add('anim1', () => {}, 4.2);
filmer.add('anim2', () => {}, 2);
filmer.add('anim3', () => {}, -Infinity);
filmer.add('anim4', () => {}, 0.5);

// result log
    id: 'anim3',
    order: -Infinity
    update: () => {}
    id: 'anim4',
    order: 0
    update: () = {}
    id: 'anim2',
    order: 1
    update: () => {}
    id: 'anim1',
    order: 2
    update: () => {}


The MIT License.