filmer is a lightweight & simple request-animation-frame manager written in TypeScript. No dependencies π
This tool helps creators to start animation development smoothly π¨
using a package manager:
npm i @craf-te/filmer
import filmer from '@craf-te/filmer';
.add('animation1', // unique id,
({ time, deltaTime }) => {
/* do something */
console.log(time); // elapsed time
console.log(deltaTime); // time difference from the previous frame
// if you need to stop/reset,
// or
and also, it can be written this way.
import filmer from '@craf-te/filmer';
import type { AnimationFunction } from '@craf-te/filmer';
const animate: AnimationFunction = ({ time, deltaTime }) => {
console.log('something to animate',time, deltaTime);
filmer.add('animation1', animate);
const removeFunc = filmer.add('animation1', () => {});
// or
// or if you want to remove all,
If the third argument specifies the order of execution, it will be executed in ascending order.
filmer.add('animation1', () => {}, 2);
filmer.add('animation2', () => {}, Infinity);
filmer.add('animation3', () => {}, 1);
// executed in the following order
// 1, animation3
// 2, animation1
// 3, animation2
For implementations that use coefficients, such as animations using linear interpolation, coefficients that are not affected by fps can be used. This is useful, for example, when using a 120 fps monitor and the fps is not stable.
The default target is 60fps. To change it, enter a value in the argument.
({ time, deltaTime }) => {
const coeff = 0.8;
const adjustedCoeff = filmer.getLerpCoeff(coeff);
// if you want to set target to 120fps,
const adjustedCoeff120 = filmer.getLerpCoeff(coeff, 120);
It can also be used in a front-end framework. For example, if you use React, you can write the following.
// useRAF.ts
// reusing Logic with Custom Hooks
import { useEffect, useId } from "react";
import filmer from "@craf-te/filmer";
import type { AnimationFunction } from "@craf-te/filmer";
export const useRAF = (callback: AnimationFunction, order?: number) => {
const id = useId();
useEffect(()=> {
const remove = filmer.add(id, callback, order);
if(!filmer.isAnimating) filmer.start();
return () => remove();
}, [callback, id, order]);
// component.tsx
import type { AnimationFunction } from '@craf-te/filmer';
import { useCallback } from 'react';
import { useRAF } from '<useRAF-file-path>';
export default function Component() {
const animation: AnimationFunction = useCallback(({ time, deltaTime }) => {
console.log(time, deltaTime);
}, []);
return <div>{/* something */}</div>;
The execution order argument accepts numbers other than integers. If you want to rearrange the numbers again, execute reorder.
filmer.add('anim1', () => {}, 4.2);
filmer.add('anim2', () => {}, 2);
filmer.add('anim3', () => {}, -Infinity);
filmer.add('anim4', () => {}, 0.5);
// result log
id: 'anim3',
order: -Infinity
update: () => {}
id: 'anim4',
order: 0
update: () = {}
id: 'anim2',
order: 1
update: () => {}
id: 'anim1',
order: 2
update: () => {}