GHC-Events Public
Comprehensive list of company events at GHC, GHC-recruitment career pages, and GHC-related events
Awesome-CV Public
Forked from posquit0/Awesome-CVOld CV template originally created by posquit0
jquery-teletype-plugin Public
Forked from stvwhtly/jquery-teletype-pluginTeletype is a jQuery plugin that types out text, and then optionally deletes it, replicating human interaction.
JavaScript UpdatedJul 30, 2017 -
llc-html-css-half-day Public
Forked from tiffanytse/llc-html-css-half-dayIntro to HTML & CSS - one page site with additional LLC content
HTML Other UpdatedJul 18, 2017 -
recipe-helper Public
Optimizing the recipe flow for novice chefs by augmenting a mobile device using the Leap Motion API (prototype)
JavaScript UpdatedJun 7, 2017 -
CPSC-Degree Public
An interactive visualization helping University of Calgary staff and students better understand the Computer Science degree.
recipe-helper-plusproxemics Public
Prototype Code: A proxemic display using the Microsoft Kinect. Optimizing the recipe flow for two novice chefs. For a school assignment
JavaScript UpdatedDec 16, 2015 -
simple-chat Public
A simple chat server for a school assignment (http://www.hcitang.org/uploads/Teaching/CPSC599W2015A1.html)
JavaScript UpdatedMar 27, 2015