APRSD is a Ham radio APRS message platform built with python.
- APRSD - Ham radio APRS-IS Message platform software
- What is APRSD
- APRSD Plugins/Extensions
- List of existing plugins - APRS Message processing/responders
- List of existing extensions - Add new capabilities to APRSD
- APRSD Overview Diagram
- Typical use case
- Installation
- Example usage
- Help
- Commands
- Configuration
- server
- Current list plugins
- Current list extensions
- send-message
- Development
- Release
- Building your own APRSD plugins
- Overview
- Docker Container
- Building
- Official Build
- Development Build
- Running the container
- Activity
- Star History
Legal operation of this software requires an amateur radio license and a valid call sign.
Star this repo to follow our progress! This code is under active development, and contributions are both welcomed and appreciated. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
APRSD is a python application for interacting with the APRS network and Ham radios with KISS interfaces and providing APRS services for HAM radio operators.
APRSD currently has 4 main commands to use.
- server - Connect to APRS and listen/respond to APRS messages
- send-message - Send a message to a callsign via APRS_IS.
- listen - Listen to packets on the APRS-IS Network based on FILTER.
- check-version - check the version of aprsd
- sample-config - generate a sample config file
- dev - helpful for testing new aprsd plugins under development
- dump-stats - output the stats of a running aprsd server command
- list-plugins - list the built in plugins, available plugins on pypi.org and installed plugins
- list-extensions - list the available extensions on pypi.org and installed extensions
Each of those commands can connect to the APRS-IS network if internet connectivity is available. If internet is not available, then APRS can be configured to talk to a TCP KISS TNC for radio connectivity directly.
Please read the docs to learn more!
APRSD Has the ability to add plugins and extensions. Plugins add new message filters that can look for specific messages and respond. For example, the aprsd-email-plugin adds the ability to send/recieve email to/from an APRS callsign. Extensions add new unique capabilities to APRSD itself. For example the aprsd-admin-extension adds a web interface command that shows the running status of the aprsd server command. aprsd-webchat-extension is a new web based APRS 'chat' command.
You can see the available plugins/extensions on pypi here: https://pypi.org/search/?q=aprsd
aprsd admin and webchat commands have been extracted into separate extensions.
- aprsd-email-plugin - send/receive email!
- aprsd-location-plugin - get latest GPS location.
- aprsd-locationdata-plugin - get latest GPS location
- aprsd-digipi-plugin - Look for digipi beacon packets
- aprsd-w3w-plugin - get your w3w coordinates
- aprsd-mqtt-plugin - send aprs packets to an MQTT topic
- aprsd-telegram-plugin - send/receive messages to telegram
- aprsd-borat-plugin - get Borat quotes
- aprsd-wxnow-plugin - get closest N weather station reports
- aprsd-weewx-plugin - get weather from your weewx weather station
- aprsd-slack-plugin - send/receive messages to a slack channel
- aprsd-sentry-plugin -
- aprsd-repeat-plugins - plugins for the REPEAT service. Get nearest Ham radio repeaters!
- aprsd-twitter-plugin - make tweets from your Ham Radio!
- aprsd-timeopencage-plugin - Get local time for a callsign
- aprsd-stock-plugin - get stock quotes from your Ham radio
- aprsd-admin-extension - Web Administration page for APRSD
- aprsd-webchat-extension - Web page for APRS Messaging
- aprsd-irc-extension - an IRC like server command for APRS
APRSD's typical use case is that of providing an APRS wide service to all HAM radio operators. For example the callsign 'REPEAT' on the APRS network is actually an instance of APRSD that can provide a list of HAM repeaters in the area of the callsign that sent the message.
Ham radio operator using an APRS enabled HAM radio sends a message to check the weather. An APRS message is sent, and then picked up by APRSD. The APRS packet is decoded, and the message is sent through the list of plugins for processing. For example, the WeatherPlugin picks up the message, fetches the weather for the area around the user who sent the request, and then responds with the weather conditions in that area. Also includes a watch list of HAM callsigns to look out for. The watch list can notify you when a HAM callsign in the list is seen and now available to message on the APRS network.
To install aprsd
, use Pip:
pip install aprsd
aprsd -h
└─> aprsd -h
Usage: aprsd [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--version Show the version and exit.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
check-version Check this version against the latest in pypi.org.
completion Show the shell completion code
dev Development type subcommands
fetch-stats Fetch stats from a APRSD admin web interface.
healthcheck Check the health of the running aprsd server.
list-extensions List the built in plugins available to APRSD.
list-plugins List the built in plugins available to APRSD.
listen Listen to packets on the APRS-IS Network based on FILTER.
sample-config Generate a sample Config file from aprsd and all...
send-message Send a message to a callsign via APRS_IS.
server Start the aprsd server gateway process.
version Show the APRSD version.
This command outputs a sample config yml formatted block that you can
edit and use to pass in to aprsd
with -c
. By default aprsd looks in
aprsd sample-config
└─> aprsd sample-config
This is the main server command that will listen to APRS-IS servers and look for incomming commands to the callsign configured in the config file
└─[$] > aprsd server --help
Usage: aprsd server [OPTIONS]
Start the aprsd server gateway process.
The log level to use for aprsd.log
[default: INFO]
-c, --config TEXT The aprsd config file to use for options.
--quiet Don't log to stdout
-f, --flush Flush out all old aged messages on disk.
[default: False]
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
└─> aprsd server
Registering LogMonitorThread
2025-01-06 16:27:12.398 | MainThread | INFO | APRSD is up to date | aprsd.cmds.server:server:82
2025-01-06 16:27:12.398 | MainThread | INFO | APRSD Started version: 3.5.1.dev0+g72d068c.d20250102 | aprsd.cmds.server:server:83
2025-01-06 16:27:12.398 | MainThread | INFO | Creating client connection | aprsd.cmds.server:server:101
2025-01-06 16:27:12.398 | MainThread | INFO | Creating aprslib client(noam.aprs2.net:14580) and logging in WB4BOR-1. | aprsd.client.aprsis:setup_connection:136
2025-01-06 16:27:12.398 | MainThread | INFO | Attempting connection to noam.aprs2.net:14580 | aprslib.inet:_connect:226
2025-01-06 16:27:12.473 | MainThread | INFO | Connected to ('', 14580) | aprslib.inet:_connect:233
2025-01-06 16:27:12.617 | MainThread | INFO | Login successful | aprsd.client.drivers.aprsis:_send_login:154
2025-01-06 16:27:12.618 | MainThread | INFO | Connected to T2BC | aprsd.client.drivers.aprsis:_send_login:156
2025-01-06 16:27:12.618 | MainThread | INFO | <aprsd.client.aprsis.APRSISClient object at 0x103a36480> | aprsd.cmds.server:server:103
2025-01-06 16:27:12.618 | MainThread | INFO | Loading Plugin Manager and registering plugins | aprsd.cmds.server:server:117
2025-01-06 16:27:12.619 | MainThread | INFO | Loading APRSD Plugins | aprsd.plugin:setup_plugins:492
└─> aprsd list-plugins
🐍 APRSD Built-in Plugins 🐍
┃ Plugin Name ┃ Info ┃ Type ┃ Plugin Path ┃
│ AVWXWeatherPlugin │ AVWX weather of GPS Beacon location │ RegexCommand │ aprsd.plugins.weather.AVWXWeatherPlugin │
│ FortunePlugin │ Give me a fortune │ RegexCommand │ aprsd.plugins.fortune.FortunePlugin │
│ NotifySeenPlugin │ Notify me when a CALLSIGN is recently seen on APRS-IS │ WatchList │ aprsd.plugins.notify.NotifySeenPlugin │
│ OWMWeatherPlugin │ OpenWeatherMap weather of GPS Beacon location │ RegexCommand │ aprsd.plugins.weather.OWMWeatherPlugin │
│ PingPlugin │ reply with a Pong! │ RegexCommand │ aprsd.plugins.ping.PingPlugin │
│ TimeOWMPlugin │ Current time of GPS beacon's timezone. Uses OpenWeatherMap │ RegexCommand │ aprsd.plugins.time.TimeOWMPlugin │
│ TimePlugin │ What is the current local time. │ RegexCommand │ aprsd.plugins.time.TimePlugin │
│ USMetarPlugin │ USA only METAR of GPS Beacon location │ RegexCommand │ aprsd.plugins.weather.USMetarPlugin │
│ USWeatherPlugin │ Provide USA only weather of GPS Beacon location │ RegexCommand │ aprsd.plugins.weather.USWeatherPlugin │
│ VersionPlugin │ What is the APRSD Version │ RegexCommand │ aprsd.plugins.version.VersionPlugin │
Pypi.org APRSD Installable Plugin Packages
Install any of the following plugins with
'pip install <Plugin Package Name>'
┃ Plugin Package Name ┃ Description ┃ Version ┃ Released ┃ Installed? ┃
│ 📂 aprsd-assistant-plugin │ APRSd plugin for hosting the APRS Assistant chatbot │ 0.0.3 │ 2024-10-20T02:59:39 │ No │
│ │ (aprs-assistant) │ │ │ │
│ 📂 aprsd-borat-plugin │ Borat quotes for aprsd plugin │ 0.1.1.dev1 │ 2024-01-19T16:04:38 │ No │
│ 📂 aprsd-locationdata-plugin │ Fetch location information from a callsign │ 0.3.0 │ 2024-02-06T17:20:43 │ No │
│ 📂 aprsd-mqtt-plugin │ APRSD MQTT Plugin sends APRS packets to mqtt queue │ 0.2.0 │ 2023-04-17T16:01:50 │ No │
│ 📂 aprsd-repeat-plugins │ APRSD Plugins for the REPEAT service │ 1.2.0 │ 2023-01-10T17:15:36 │ No │
│ 📂 aprsd-sentry-plugin │ Ham radio APRSD plugin that does.... │ 0.1.2 │ 2022-12-02T19:07:33 │ No │
│ 📂 aprsd-slack-plugin │ Amateur radio APRS daemon which listens for messages and │ 1.2.0 │ 2023-01-10T19:21:33 │ No │
│ │ responds │ │ │ │
│ 📂 aprsd-stock-plugin │ Ham Radio APRSD Plugin for fetching stock quotes │ 0.1.3 │ 2022-12-02T18:56:19 │ Yes │
│ 📂 aprsd-telegram-plugin │ Ham Radio APRS APRSD plugin for Telegram IM service │ 0.1.3 │ 2022-12-02T19:07:15 │ No │
│ 📂 aprsd-timeopencage-plugin │ APRSD plugin for fetching time based on GPS location │ 0.2.0 │ 2023-01-10T17:07:11 │ No │
│ 📂 aprsd-twitter-plugin │ Python APRSD plugin to send tweets │ 0.5.0 │ 2023-01-10T16:51:47 │ No │
│ 📂 aprsd-weewx-plugin │ HAM Radio APRSD that reports weather from a weewx weather │ 0.3.2 │ 2023-04-20T20:16:19 │ No │
│ │ station. │ │ │ │
│ 📂 aprsd-wxnow-plugin │ APRSD Plugin for getting the closest wx reports to last │ 0.2.0 │ 2023-10-08T01:27:29 │ Yes │
│ │ beacon │ │ │ │
🐍 APRSD Installed 3rd party Plugins 🐍
┃ Package Name ┃ Plugin Name ┃ Version ┃ Type ┃ Plugin Path ┃
│ aprsd-stock-plugin │ YahooStockQuote │ 0.1.3 │ RegexCommand │ aprsd_stock_plugin.stock.YahooStockQuote │
│ aprsd-wxnow-plugin │ WXNowPlugin │ 0.2.0 │ RegexCommand │ aprsd_wxnow_plugin.conf.opts.WXNowPlugin │
└─> aprsd list-extensions
Pypi.org APRSD Installable Extension Packages
Install any of the following extensions by running
'pip install <Plugin Package Name>'
┃ Extension Package Name ┃ Description ┃ Version ┃ Released ┃ Installed? ┃
│ 📂 aprsd-admin-extension │ Administration extension for the Ham radio APRSD Server │ 1.0.1 │ 2025-01-06T21:57:24 │ Yes │
│ 📂 aprsd-irc-extension │ An Extension to Ham radio APRSD Daemon to act like an irc server │ 0.0.5 │ 2024-04-09T11:28:47 │ No │
│ │ for APRS │ │ │ │
This command is typically used for development to send another aprsd instance test messages
└─[$] > aprsd send-message -h
Usage: aprsd send-message [OPTIONS] TOCALLSIGN COMMAND...
Send a message to a callsign via APRS_IS.
The log level to use for aprsd.log
[default: INFO]
-c, --config TEXT The aprsd config file to use for options.
--quiet Don't log to stdout
--aprs-login TEXT What callsign to send the message from.
[env var: APRS_LOGIN]
--aprs-password TEXT the APRS-IS password for APRS_LOGIN [env
-n, --no-ack Don't wait for an ack, just sent it to APRS-
IS and bail. [default: False]
-w, --wait-response Wait for a response to the message?
[default: False]
--raw TEXT Send a raw message. Implies --no-ack
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
git clone git@github.com:craigerl/aprsd.git
cd aprsd
While working aprsd, The workflow is as follows:
Checkout a new branch to work on by running
git checkout -b mybranch
Make your changes to the code
Run Tox with the following options:
tox -epep8
tox -efmt
tox -p
Commit your changes. This will run the pre-commit hooks which does checks too
git commit
Once you are done with all of your commits, then push up the branch to github with:
git push -u origin mybranch
Create a pull request from your branch so github tests can run and we can do a code review.
To do release to pypi:
Tag release with:
git tag -v1.XX -m "New release"
Push release tag:
git push origin master --tags
Do a test build and verify build is valid by running:
make build
Once twine is happy, upload release to pypi:
make upload
APRSD plugins are the mechanism by which APRSD can respond to APRS Messages. The plugins are loaded at server startup and can also be loaded at listen startup. When a packet is received by APRSD, it is passed to each of the plugins in the order they were registered in the config file. The plugins can then decide what to do with the packet. When a plugin is called, it is passed a APRSD Packet object. The plugin can then do something with the packet and return a reply message if desired. If a plugin does not want to reply to the packet, it can just return None. When a plugin does return a reply message, APRSD will send the reply message to the appropriate destination.
For example, when a 'ping' message is received, the PingPlugin will return a reply message of 'pong'. When APRSD receives the 'pong' message, it will be sent back to the original caller of the ping message.
APRSD plugins are simply python packages that can be installed from pypi.org. They are installed into the aprsd virtualenv and can be imported by APRSD at runtime. The plugins are registered in the config file and loaded at startup of the aprsd server command or the aprsd listen command.
You can build your own plugins by following the instructions in the Building your own APRSD plugins section.
Plugins are called by APRSD when packe
There are 2 versions of the container Dockerfile that can be used. The main Dockerfile, which is for building the official release container based off of the pip install version of aprsd and the Dockerfile-dev, which is used for building a container based off of a git branch of the repo.
docker build -t hemna6969/aprsd:latest .
docker build -t hemna6969/aprsd:latest -f Dockerfile-dev .
There is a docker-compose.yml
file in the docker/
directory that can
be used to run your container. To provide the container an aprsd.conf
configuration file, change your docker-compose.yml
as shown below:
- $HOME/.config/aprsd:/config
To install plugins at container start time, pass in a list of
comma-separated list of plugins on PyPI using the APRSD_PLUGINS
environment variable in the docker-compose.yml
file. Note that version
constraints may also be provided. For example:
- APRSD_PLUGINS=aprsd-slack-plugin>=1.0.2,aprsd-twitter-plugin