CouloyDB is a storage engine that strikes a balance between performance and storage costs.
Collection of extensions for OpenTelemetry-Go.
Auto-generated Google APIs for Go.
Protocol Buffer Validation - Go, Java, Python, and C++ Beta Releases!
Protocol Buffer Validation - Being replaced by
微信、支付宝、通联支付、拉卡拉、PayPal、Apple 的Go版本SDK。【极简、易用的聚合支付SDK】
支付宝 AliPay SDK for Go, 集成简单,功能完善,持续更新,支持公钥证书和普通公钥进行签名和验签,支持文件上传和接口内容加密。
A high-performance distributed file system designed to address the challenges of AI training and inference workloads.
Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
The Go implementation of Connect: Protobuf RPC that works.
LMP provides an eBPF Supermarket for developers, including eBPF tools, open-source projects based on eBPF, eBPF learning materials, Linux kernel learning materials, and more.
Reflection (Rich Descriptors) for Go Protocol Buffers
A command-line tool to perform health-checks for gRPC applications in Kubernetes and elsewhere
A protobuf compiler plugin designed to generate GORM models and APIs for simple object persistence tasks.
An interactive web UI for gRPC, along the lines of postman
Like cURL, but for gRPC: Command-line tool for interacting with gRPC servers
A simple and component-based microservice kit for go. 一个简单的基于组件的 Go 微服务套件。
Netflix's Hystrix latency and fault tolerance library, for Go