An electron-forge
maker for NSIS that supports electron-forge
v6 and can be used as a
replacement for electron-builder
. Supports code-signing and basic updates with electron-updater
This maker takes two configuration objects: codesigning
for codesigning and updater
for electron-updater
support. Both of them are optional, the feature in question will simply be turned off if not provided.
is passed directly to @electron/windows-sign and supports all its options (except forappDirectory
, which is provided directly by this maker).updater
: URL to the location of yml files.updaterCacheDirName
: Name of the local cache. By default${name}-updater
: Name of the update channel. By defaultlatest
: Used to verify the code signature.
// forge.config.js with minimal configuration
makers: [
name: "@felixrieseberg/electron-forge-maker-nsis",
config: {},
// forge.config.js with example configuration
makers: [
name: "@felixrieseberg/electron-forge-maker-nsis",
config: {
codesigning: {
certificateFile?: string;
certificatePassword?: string;
updater: {
url: "",
updaterCacheDirName: "my-updater",
channel: "latest",
publisherName: "My Company, Inc."
This tool supports ["generic" updates][] with electron-updater
MIT. Please see LICENSE for details.