Generates ASCII charts of lichess ratings.
_ _ _
| | (_) | |
| | _ ___| |__ ___ ___ ___
| | | |/ __| '_ \ / _ \/ __/ __|
| |____| | (__| | | | __/\__ \__ \
|______|_|\___|_| |_|\___||___/___/
2130 ┤ ╭
2042 ┤ │
1954 ┤ ╭╮ ╭╮ │
1866 ┤ ╭╮ ╭─╯╰──╯╰──╮ ╭─────╯
1778 ┤ ╭╮ ╭──╮╭──╮╭─╯╰─╯ ╰─╯
1690 ┤ ╭╮╭╯╰──╯ ╰╯ ╰╯
1602 ┼╮ ╭──╮│╰╯
1514 ┤│ ╭───╮╭─╮╭╮╭─────╯ ╰╯
1426 ┤╰╮ ╭╯ ╰╯ ╰╯╰╯
1338 ┤ ╰─╯
1250 ┤
User: christopsy666, Rating type: Bullet on
Last update: 01.03.2025 01:24:38
Install the python dependencies via requirements.txt via
pip install -r requirements.txt
and export your lichess API token as environment variables via
export API_TOKEN=your_lichess_api_token
For convenience, put this in you .bashrc
python3 -r puzzle_type
where puzzle_type is one of the following:
Bullet, Blitz, Rapid, Classical, Correspondence, Chess960, King of the Hill, Three-check, Antichess, Atomic, Horde, Racing Kings, Crazyhouse, Puzzles, UltraBullet
The output can be piped to a file, but should be enclosed with
for Markdown to preserve whitespaces.
Alternatively, you can use docker compose to generate an ASCII chart.
First, build the image via
cd .docker
docker compose build
and then run it via
docker run -e API_TOKEN=$API_TOKEN lichess-docker:v0.1.0 -r Bullet