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  1. Talk_1-Client-Server Talk_1-Client-Server Public

    This code is from the talk held on the 30th of September. The talk was about using Wireshark to watch TCP packets as they crossed the network.

    Python 1

  2. Encryption-and-Hashing Encryption-and-Hashing Public

    We will make our own Libraries that highlight some elementary encryption and hashing practices. Under no circumstances should you use this code as your default encryption methods.


  3. Tor-Demo-and-Install Tor-Demo-and-Install Public

    This repo is part of our 2nd Talk (October 14th, 2014) and hosts all documents and resources the audience will need to replicate this on their own machines.


Showing 3 of 3 repositories
  • Tor-Demo-and-Install Public

    This repo is part of our 2nd Talk (October 14th, 2014) and hosts all documents and resources the audience will need to replicate this on their own machines.

    0 0 0 0 Updated Oct 11, 2014
  • Encryption-and-Hashing Public

    We will make our own Libraries that highlight some elementary encryption and hashing practices. Under no circumstances should you use this code as your default encryption methods.

    C 0 0 0 0 Updated Oct 9, 2014
  • Talk_1-Client-Server Public

    This code is from the talk held on the 30th of September. The talk was about using Wireshark to watch TCP packets as they crossed the network.

    Python 1 0 0 0 Updated Oct 6, 2014

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