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Contributing to CSSTools Plugins

You want to help? You rock! Now, take a moment to be sure your contributions make sense to everyone else.

Reporting Issues

Found a problem? Want a new feature?

Remember, a bug is a demonstrable problem caused by our code.

If this guide itself is not working or is not clear, please report it.

Project setup

If you do need to set the project up locally yourself, feel free to follow these instructions:

System Requirements

Quick start

  1. fork the repo and clone it locally
  2. npm ci to install dependencies
  3. cd plugins/<plugin-name>
  4. npm run build && npm run test to build and test the plugin after making changes
  5. open a pull request with the changes

Handy commands

Always check package.json in the directory you are working in. This file has a scripts field with all the available commands.

These are some of the common commands you will find there :

  • npm run build For things like TypeScript, bundling,... Most plugins and packages need to be build after a code change.
  • npm run test To run the test suite.
  • npm run test:rewrite-expects Most of our tests have files with the expected output and others with the actual output. To update the expected output you can run this command.
  • npm run lint To manually run the linters.
  • npm run docs Most of our plugins have generated docs. Update the source file under ./docs and then run this command.

Submitting Pull Requests

We try our best to create a safe and welcoming environment for contributors.

Your changes do not have to be complete and tests do not have to pass before opening a pull request. Receiving early feedback on your work will help you iterate more quickly in the right direction.

  1. To begin; fork this project, clone your fork, and add our upstream.

    # Clone your fork of the repo into the current directory
    git clone<YOUR_USER>/postcss-plugins.git
    # Navigate to the newly cloned directory
    cd postcss-plugins
  2. Create a branch for your feature or fix:

    # Move into a new branch for your feature
    git checkout -b your-thing
  3. Navigate to the plugin you want to contribute to.

    # Navigate to a plugin directory
    cd plugins/<plugin-name>
    # Navigate to the postcss-preset-env directory
    cd plugin-packs/postcss-preset-env
  4. If your code follows our practices, then push your feature branch:

    # Run the linter
    npm run lint
    # Test current code
    npm run build && npm run test
    # Push the branch for your new feature
    git push origin your-thing

That’s it! Now open a pull request with a clear title and description.

Adding a change log entry.

Each public package has a file.
We use a structured format to indicate which packages have unreleased changes.

If you open a pull request you may add a new change log entry describing your change.

The structured format is :

# `<package name>`

### Unreleased (`<semver version bump>`)

- `<your change>`
- `<another change>`

for example :

# Changes to PostCSS Attribute Case Insensitive

### Unreleased (patch)

- Reduce the amount of duplicate fallback CSS.

Adding change log entries is not required for opening pull requests and maintainers can add these for you.

The change description itself is freeform, we do not have a fixed format.

Creating a new plugin here

  • Follow the guide for submitting a pull request
  • Run npm run ci if you want to start local development.
  • Run npm run new-plugin <Your Plugin Name> to create a new plugin.
npm run new-plugin

A plugin name must be provided:
  new-plugin <human readable name>
  new-plugin Cascade Layers
npm run new-plugin Cascade Layers

- Creating new plugin Cascade Layers
- Copied base plugin to ./plugins/postcss-cascade-layers
- Cleaned up files and directories not required in a new plugin
- Relabeled references to base plugin
- Updated "package.json"

Done! 🎉

Your next steps:
- Run : "npm install" from the root directory
- Run : "cd plugins/postcss-cascade-layers"
- Run : "npm run build" to build your plugin
- Run : "npm run test" to test your plugin
- Run : "npm run test:rewrite-expects" to update test result files

Change "blue" to "purple" in "src/index.ts" and see how it affects the test outcome

Read the guidelines and best practices for plugins

Trouble shooting

If you encounter any issues not mentioned here, please open an issue so that we can extend the guides.