Blockchain-Based-Elections Public
An Eletronic Election System Based-On Ethereum Blockchain
live-actions-laravel Public
Forked from wesleywillians/live-actions-laravelPHP UpdatedJul 29, 2021 -
envizon Public
Forked from evait-security/envizonnetwork visualization & vulnerability management/reporting
Process_Management Public
This repository contains three implementations of algorithms that work in the operational system processes management. These one are the Lock Variable, the Sleep/WakeUp and the Round-Robin.
This script must be executed after squid-analyzer. Its main function is to be a postprocessing script that takes all usernames from the SquidAnalyzer UI, connects to the LDAP Server, gets all match…
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 19, 2019 -
squid-analyzer-mail-report Public
This script must be run after squid-analyzer. Its main function is to report the Top 10 Users by email.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 18, 2019 -
ANN_Resilience_In_WRONS Public
Artificial Neural Networks to Assess Fault Tolerance of Optical Networks
New-Basketball-Positions Public
Using unsupervised learning techniques, the aim of this project, due to the heterogeneous type of players in the NBA, is discover news positions on basketball.
Java UpdatedJul 25, 2019 -
IoT_Scanner Public
A scan made specially for IoT devices, focusing on finding vulnerabilities in devices that exist on the network.