Hi there! My name is Chris Bieganek. I am the Lead GIS Developer for Westwood Professional Services located in Minnetonka, MN. I specialize in creating GIS web applications and geoprocessing scripts.
I am currently working on expanding my portfolio of custom GIS web applications using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript and OpenLayers. I also recently got hooked on the Rust programming language, and I look forward to exploring that more once I have several custom GIS web applications under my belt.
These are the programming languages and technologies that I have used:
- JavaScript: Primarily TypeScript these days
- SvelteKit: This is currently my favorite way to develop web applications
- React.js: When I am not using SvelteKit I use React, because of its maturity, support, and ecosystem
- Python: Used for geoprocessing scripts (arcpy) and scripts that are run periodically on our GIS server
- C#: Used to create ArcPro plugins, AutoCAD plugins, and Windows desktop applications
- Rust: I will primarily be using Rust to build microservices that can be compiled into extremely small Docker images
- C: Used to create a command line tool for extracting GPS data from GoPro videos
- GeoServer: I have a personal instance of GeoServer that I use to host data for my GIS web applications
- GIS web application that allows downloading of WFS layers in the web map. Uses OpenLayers, Material UI, and GeoServer. This one does not have a demo running 24/7 since it requires paying for a VM running GeoServer. Repo
- To Do List application. Overused, but a classic. I was amazed at how easy this was to build with Svelte. Uses SvelteKit and TypeScript. Demo | Repo
- Table Filter Builder application that allows the user to build and apply a filter to a data table. Built using React, Blueprint components, and TypeScript. Demo | Repo