- Pro
Concatenate a directory full of files into a single prompt for use with LLMs
A command-line tool which can move CloudFormation resources between stacks
A Java class for printing binary trees as ASCII text
Network performance benchmarks for AWS Fargate and AWS Lambda.
The Commonhaus Foundation fosters a nurturing home for open-source projects, prioritizing innovation, collaboration, and sustainability.
High-velocity, monorepo-scale workflow for Git
In a Git branch, find commit pair candidates to be squashed together, i.e. ones which touch the same lines
The Git interface you've been missing all your life has finally arrived.
Data on CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions by Our World in Data
Gradle plugin for integrating NodeJS in your build. 🚀
CrossLine is an outliner with sophisticated cross-link capabilities in the tradition of the well-respected Ecco Pro
Concise, recursive & efficient path matcher implementation for Ant-style path patterns
PEG parser generator for Java 17 - grammar as algebraic datatypes
Java library to create and search random access files (including in S3) using the space-filling hilbert index (sparse)
A Java library for generating Time-Sorted Unique Identifiers (TSID).
🐘 A template to let you started with custom Gradle Plugins + Kotlin in a few seconds
a Rust implementation of the bytefreq data profiler
Clusterless is a tool for scheduling decentralized, scalable, and secure data pipelines for continuously arriving data, across clouds.
A data engineering cli for reading and writing data to/from multiple locations across multiple formats.
The example of using Podman with Testcontainers in Java projects, that use Gradle on Ubuntu Linux and MacOS (both x86_64 and Apple silicon).
System Stubs - Test Doubles for Java System resources
Simple and convenient way to read content of resource in Java.
Gradle plugin for running sjsonnet (Scala implementation of the Jsonnet JSON templating language)