- This project uses Raspberry Pi Zero 2W as a Server that takes still images with Pi Camera 3.
- This project uses the Neopixel ring LED for illumination and the PiSugar project for UPS (optional).
- Clients on any platform can request photos to be taken and sent over.
- One use case is to read the pH according to the text and colour scheme on the pH scale.
Please follow the instructions (to be added #TODO) to set up the Pi Zero
Pi Zero has limited RAM; SHH using the command-line interface (CLI) is recommended.
However, you can also use the Pi Connect Service to connect to Pi Zero.
Assemble the hardware components.
If you are using PiSugar (Wireless):
wget https://cdn.pisugar.com/release/pisugar-power-manager.sh bash pisugar-power-manager.sh -c release
PiSugar will establish a web server through which you can check your battery status. Use the link at the end of the installation.
Clone this repo;
git clone https://github.com/cyrilcaoyang/pizerocam/
DO NOT enter the project folder yet
Create a Python environment (it will be outside of the project folder)
python -m venv picam_env --system-site-packages
Make sure to use the flag at the end, otherwise, picamera2 package cannot be recognized.
Activate the venv
source picam_env/bin/activate
(Optional) Activate the environment every login session(SSH):
nano ~/.profile
Add the following line:
source PATH_TO_ENVIRONMENT/bin/activate
Apply changes:
source ~/.profile
Install the LED driver code
pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-neopixel
Just navigate to the server.py code and start the server
python server.py
It is recommended to use the Conda environment (to be added)
Clone and install the sdl_utils package.
clone ~~~~ pip install -e .
For the demo, Python Imaging Library (PIL) (or the Pillow fork)
pip install pillow
Download and install Tesseract for OCR (which requires Python 3.6+)
- github.com/UB-Mannheim/tesseract/wiki
Clone and install this package. DO pip install so you get all the required packages.
clone https://github.com/cyrilcaoyang/pizerocam/ pip install -e .
Navigate to the client.py code and start the client
python client.py